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March 2020, start of the COVID-19 quarantine (work and study from home), sitting all day in-front of the laptop/computer and eating away anything that crossed our way. Our (myself 47 Year old and my son 14 Year old) weights sky rocketed by Sept 2020 not to mention our struggle with energy levels, lack of proper sleep and being unable to fit into our favourite clothes. From the health perspective, I have suffered some serious heart conditions a couple of years ago, and always used the excuse that I can’t stress myself with exercise, and my son taking me as a role model; thus my psychological stubbornness was putting myself and my son health and wellbeing at risk. It was that moment when I hit the 120 KG on the scale, that I decided to change our mental state. I agreed with my son to stop sitting on the fence and embark on this adventure together by supporting each other. We were advised by friends to approach Roan Kotze at Omni Performance. Best decision of our life. We have been with Roan for the past 13 months and have seen incredible changes to our life. We started this with a target purely to lose weight, initially going to the gym with an unhappy face but now we really enjoy our training sessions. Roan has not only focused on our day-to-day exercise (in the gym and at home), but also his monitoring and guidance on our food intake (quality and quantity) has added great value to our progress. Roan knows what we are capable of achieving (more than we do) and he knows how to push us to achieve the best results.  Today both myself and my son have lost a substantial amount of weight; We both feel healthier, we sleep better,  have more energy and definitely look better. We know we have a long way to go, but we are confident that we are moving in the right direction.



I started training with Roan at the end of last year (2020) as I lacked incentive to push myself in the gym on my own.  His sessions are challenging, but Roan is thorough with his explanations, visually demonstrating the proper techniques and form, adjusting and correcting where necessary.  With his encouragement, motivation and sarcasm I end each session with a sense of achievement, surprised at how far I can push my body.  I’m thoroughly enjoying the experience!


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I have been training with Roan at Omni Performance for the past two years since deciding that I needed “something else” in my life. I was very apprehensive when starting my journey with Omni as I really did not know what I wanted to achieve but I knew I needed to do something. From the outset Roan has been clear and honest with his advice. As I got started my fitness levels increased however I could not see a noticeable change in body form. Roan continued to advise me to “trust the process” and keep working hard. This is what we have done together over the past 2 years. I am now proud to say that with Roan’s and Omni Performances guidance I feel I am in the best shape of my life at the age of 48. This is due largely to Roan’s commitment and enthusiasm which is extremely infectious. I now find myself willingly training 6 days per week while maintain a balanced lifestyle.  



I started training with Roan 4 years ago after a health scare, when I decided I wanted to be stronger and fitter. I have definitely achieved both of those things in that time. Roan genuinely cares about his clients and puts his all into planning training that works for you and helping with your specific needs. I highly recommend him if you're ready to start making a change, no matter where you are in your fitness journey. 


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Roan, together with the community he has created, have played big parts in getting me to a decent level of fitness over the last year. His training plans are both enjoyable and challenging with a competitive edge through his monthly body measurements! The plans a guidance Roan has provided me over the last year have resulted in significant positive results physically, mentally and also.  from a knowledge point of view. Whilst achieving positive results, the plans Roan creates never seem to cause any overbidding muscle aching or injuries - unlike previous fitness plans I have tried.

I would recommend Roans private, semi private or online classes to anyone looking to get into shape or looking to improve overall fitness and wellbeing.



I started training with Roan just on a temporary basis to get in shape for an upcoming holiday, that was three and a half years ago now and I haven’t looked back since!
Roan always makes the training sessions a fun place to be but physically challenging at the same time, he is always committed to making sure I and the others in our semi private PT group obtain the best results possible.
The training sessions are varied, well structured, brilliantly delivered and it is evident the level thought and effort has been applied to every aspect of the workouts given
He is a fantastic support and knowledge outside of the gym always providing advice and insightful knowledge into nutrition and general wellness
Roan always makes me hold myself accountable and pushes me to the best of my abilities, best investment I’ve made to date!


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I have been training with Roan for around 6 years now having previously followed the standard ’12 week fix programs’ which achieve zero results. It is without doubt that Roan’s programming works if you put the time and effort in. From the start, I was told that this is a ‘life change’, with no quick fix and to put the work in but at the same time have a balance with diet and training so that you do not fall off track and I can honestly say that this works….
Unlike many trainers in Dubai, Roan is immensely qualified in his field, he continues to further his knowledge with continuous education which is always passed on to his clients and incorporated into the programming, I believe that this is what sets him apart from other trainers. 
If you are able to commit long term, put up with Roans rubbish banter and can be accountable for following a program which is specifically designed to your goals, then I would recommend Roan 100%.


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I started training with Roan in October 2019, shortly after the birth of my little boy. Like a lot of women, I had put on more weight than I expected in my pregnancy, and wanted to get fit in a manageable, and healthy way. It was important for me to find a trainer who wasn’t solely focused on weight loss but was also knowledgeable about the female body and post partum recovery, and took into consideration the fact that I had a new born baby and the resultant sleep deprivation and exhaustion that came with that! Roan took things slowly- there was no counting macros straight away or high impact work-the focus was simply on moving, rebuilding my core and breathing correctly throughout exercise (something which I had never been taught despite years of thinking I was fit!)


Fast forward nearly two years and I am stronger and fitter than I have ever been, and crucially, I feel educated and knowledgeable about how to maintain and build on this. Roan has made me accountable for my own results and made me prioritize my fitness (and not feel guilty about this as many new mums do when they take any time out for themselves!) 

Roan is one of a kind- PT, drill sergeant, baby sitter (!), shit comedian, but mostly importantly he really cares and he knows his stuff, which is a priceless combination.


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Growing up as a fairly overweight child, my first introduction to Roan was not planned but instead in a group set up with my school. I had always struggled to understand the enthusiasm that people had to train but after a few sessions with Roan I was slowly starting to understand. I then got in contact with him to start personal training sessions. As a personal trainer, having the knowledge is one thing but to have the communication skills, empathy and drive towards bettering a client’s lifestyle is what sets Roan apart. Throughout my time training with Roan, his use of setting attainable goals and encouraging healthy habits into my life, but also understanding life is about balance has allowed me achieve feats of strength and happiness I would have never thought I’d be able to experience starting off my journey as the overweight kid. In addition to this, whilst also allowing me to reach my physique/ lifestyle goals, he has taken my performance on the rugby field to a whole new level, helping me play in the Asia Premiership at the age of 17. I could not recommend Roan enough to anyone looking to better their life.



I have trained with Roan for 3 years and have seen enormous changes in both my body shape and strength in that time. Initially I started on 2 sessions per week and attended his Friday class occasionally but I soon saw the benefits that others were reaping on more sessions so I added in a third session.


Roan has always tailored the sessions to my level at the time or made adjustments if I have had an area that needs more attention.

Three years ago, I would have looked for an excuse to miss going to the gym, now I really hate anything that comes up which makes me miss my session as I feel so much better for being fitter and stronger.

I like the encouragement and banter that Roan gives and the attention to detail ensuring that we push ourselves to achieve results.



Roan’s reputation precedes him. Everyone will tell you how hard, demanding, absolutely relentless and tough he is ... and he is all that and more.
However, I have also found Roan to be one of the most knowledgeable, patient, compassionate and supportive PT’s I have met who takes out the time to truly understand each client he is taking on and assist them in goal setting with an empathic & realistic lens. He demands my A-game, my hard work and my dedication everyday but he returns every bit of my effort with personalized coaching for effective training, nutrition and genuine concern for my adequate sleep & rest as well. He’s made me run when I was convinced my hips were not built for it, he’s made me lift when I was convinced my arms were too weak for it and he’s made me plank ON AN EXERCISE BALL when I was convinced 3 c-sections & x-large turkey sized babies had destroyed my core. In short, Roan is definitely not for the faint hearted 😂 
But if you are willing to go the distance he can change your life. He’s changed my life. In 1 year, I am 4.4 kgs and 6 dress sizes down. I’ve never felt better, stronger or fuller of energy and I look forward to every single session with Roan because I know he will continue to help me evolve and grow - as an individual and an athlete - for the better!



I have been training with Coach Roan for almost a year now. He has been an amazing coach, tough at times but always pushing me when I need to be pushed, making me re-visit my priorities when I start falling behind on my goals and encouraging me when I am doing well. More than anything though, he has taught me how important mental wellbeing and physical wellbeing are; the importance of what I put into my body and of just simply moving, even the days when I can’t train. My overall confidence in the gym has improved, my physique has improved and I like the changes I see when I look in the mirror. If I were to describe his approach, I would say holistic. The goals we set are achievable and we progress from these by making small and steady lifestyle changes. For me, it is no longer about reaching a particular size or weight but about my overall health and wellness and how I feel, which has in my opinion resulted in better results.



I’ve been working with Roan for a few months now. I’ve always considered myself fit and healthy and have always been an active gym-goer, however, after working with Roan, he managed to unlock a much higher level of strength within me which I have never been close to reaching before. From benchpress to squats my strength has increased more than 50% whilst improving my form and therefore I have never had any issues with injuries so far. 

Roan takes his client’s progress seriously whilst offering support outside of the gym but then also manages to keep the sessions fun as well by constantly varying the workouts and ensuring the strength is always increased week by week.
A fantastic guy and a better trainer - highly recommended.


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I started training with Hamad three years ago, after I had been with other personal trainers and tried every single online app and tip from friends to over come my lower back, wrists and knees issues.

Not only has Hamad shown me how to over come those challenges but he has also helped me shed some weight, build up stamina, and most importantly: gain confidence and believe in my capabilities.

His training methods are unique, various and engaging. I never get bored with exercises and
he is extremely capable of adapting the session to my fitness and mental status.


I had always thought my body had a limit, but Hamad proved me wrong. I still remember my early session with Hamad. I remember laughing hard as he was telling me that one day I would be lifting heavy weights, doing press ups, and running for miles. I laughed so hard and got down to show him how weak my arms were and how incapable I was. Hamad smiled back with confidence and knew he would help me overcome my fear of lifting heavyweights and take my fitness to the highest levels.

I am forever grateful for Hamad for unlocking my fitness potentials.



It's been the most rewarding experience training with Hamad! From feeling stronger and leaner than ever before. Hamad helped me understand a balanced but healthy diet alongside listening to my body!

He has always been there through all the aches and pains, tears and joys. Hamad teaches you quality of movement and his coaching cues are easily understandable. Hamads knowledge on coaching has helped me push harder when needed but also to take a step back when needed. This ensured I stay injury free but also that I am not fatigued 24/7.



Actually starting with Omni performance was the hardest part of the journey, the journey itself has been easy. From the advice, support and community feel it has been outstanding, all other important elements aside from losing body fat and being relatively fit.

The journey will be what you make it but one thing guaranteed is that Coach Roan and his team will remain committed and consistent  no matter what!



I have been working with Coach Roan for 2 years and during this time my general fitness and strength has significantly improved. The
momentum gathered from this has also had a positive effect on my diet choices (apart from the occasional beer!)

Before working with Roan, I was also dubious of working with personal trainers, but it has been one of the best decisions I have made.  
The sessions are ‘enjoyable’ (breathing / sweating heavily), and they are frequently updated to keep things interesting! 


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